Hi, would you like to become a distributor of our fresh and tasty products? Contact us.

In MonteReal we produce the Red Globe table grape in a pergola formation, which allows an optimal capture of light that fosters an excellent development of the vines.

For the fresh market and the industry sector

We select the clusters based on their size and the berry,
considering their equatorial diameter.

Size clasification:

Jumbo J 27 mm and more
Extra Large XL 25mm to 26.9mm
Extra L 23mm to 24.9mm
Medium M 20mm a 22.9mm

Our fruit is packaged in different presentations:
in cardboard boxes whit 9 kilos netos and 9 bolsas

Dimensiones de la tarima con cajas de 8 bolsas

Tarimas de 1.20 m largo por 1 m de ancho y 2.30 m de altura. Cada tarima tiene 80 cajas con 16 camas.

MonteReal Benefits

Cleaning Method

The bunch is harvested in the field without moisture, avoiding the manipulation and contact with the hand. In the field it is cleaned and placed in special boxes that protect them from any type of contamination.


The packaging is made immediately after the harvest, where the grapes are placed in special bags and these are packed in boxes with a capacity of 9 kg (19.84 lb).

Fruit selection

According to our Internal Quality Standard, the grapes are grouped by their similar physical properties, separating the whole product with defects that detract from its commercialization.


The grape already packed in boxes and parquet, is placed in a chamber of extraction of heat. With cold air in a short time the field heat is eliminated, thus has the homogeneous cooling of the cluster, which helps us to reduce the growth of microorganisms and to stop their maturation.


The grape is kept at its optimum temperature of 0 ° C to 2 ° C with a relative humidity of 95%.

Product availability

The harvest is carried out in the month of August, from the first to the last week of the month.

Agropecuaria Marlee S.A.
Nieto No. 425, Zona Centro
Aguascalientes, Ags., C.P. 20000, México

TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 800 841 72 33
Tel: 499 915 3363
Cell: 449 205 24 40

Tel: 465 958 4051
Tel: 465 958 4056
Ext: 101

Tel: 449 915 2008

Agropecuaria Marlee S.A 2024, All rights reserved