Hi, would you like to become a distributor of our fresh and tasty products? Contact us.

The MonteReal peach varieties that we grow feature yellow skin and yellow flesh, with a firm flesh (with no melting texture) that is tightly attached to the pit.

Fresh market

Our company has a selection team that separates the fruits based on their equatorial diameter, with a difference of 5 mm between each caliber, so that our fruit can be packaged in more homogenous sizes.

Our fruit is classified according to its equatorial diameter in:

Caliber Weight
More than 70mm More than 165g
65mm to 69mm 130g to 164g
60mm to 64mm 105g to 129g
55mm to 59mm 80g to 104g
50mm to 54mm 65g to 79g
45mm to 50mm 55g to 64g
35mm to 44mm 25g to 54g
Indrustry sector

The fruit that is destined for industrial purposes is packaged in 20-kilogram boxes or in 380-kilogram containers, with sizes based on its equatorial diameter and a difference of 10 mm between each caliber.

Size classification:

Caliber Weight
More than 65mm More than 135g
55mm to 64mm 80g to 135g
45mm to 54mm 60g to 79g
35mm to 44mm 25g to 54g

Our fruit is packed in different presentations: The larger calibers 60 mm, 65 mm and 70 mm come in 4 kg boxes, placed in trays for maximum protection.


The boxes of peach with one tray are stowed in pallets of 1.20 m per 1 m, with 20 beds containing 7 boxes each, adding up to 140 boxes per pallet.

Each full pallet has a height of 2.08 m and a weight of 560 net kilograms per pallet.

In bulk

For our bulk packaging we use cardboard boxes with a capacity of 11.24 net kilograms, and their goal is to offer greater protection against their handling.

The boxes are stowed in pallets of 1.20 m per 1 m, with 10 beds containing 7 boxes each, adding up to 70 boxes per pallet.

Each full pallet has a height of 1.97 m and a weight of 770 net kilograms per pallet.

MonteReal Benefits

We offer to you the fruit that suits your needs

By taking into account the shape, diameter, weight, volume color, texture, consistency, firmness and easy pit removal, we deliver to you exactly what you need.


With our hydrocooling process, which uses water at a temperature of 0º C (32º F), we remove the field heat from the fruit, and this allows us to stop its ripening and extend its shelf life.

Fruit selection and classification

After the hydrocooling process, we separate the product based on the specific quality characteristics of its physical properties, which allows us to classify the fruit based on the needs of our customers.

Fruit waxing

Our fruits are waxed with food-grade products in order to reduce its dehydration rate, which helps us to prevent dehydration.

Storage and cooling

Our fruits are packed in boxes and stored in cold storage with a consistent supply of cold air that fosters a homogenous fruit cooling process; this helps us to reduce the growth of microorganisms and stop the ripening process. Our fruits are kept at an optimal temperature of 0º C to 2º C (32º to 35.6º F), with a relative humidity of 95%.

Location of our farms

Given the excellent geographical location of the state of Aguascalientes in the Mexican territory, we have the distinct advantage of being able to deliver our fruit in a maximum time of 5 hours to the chief distributor and customer centers in Mexico.

Seasonal guide of the product and availability
We have an approximate production of 2000 tons per year.
Early season: From June 1st to July 7th.
Intermediate season: From July 8th to August 7th.
Late season: From August 8th to September 15th.

Agropecuaria Marlee S.A.
Nieto No. 425, Zona Centro
Aguascalientes, Ags., C.P. 20000, México

TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 800 841 72 33
Tel: 499 915 3363
Cell: 449 205 24 40

Tel: 465 958 4051
Tel: 465 958 4056
Ext: 101

Tel: 449 915 2008
Tel: 449 915 1523

Agropecuaria Marlee S.A 2017, All rights reserved